Dealing with a Data Breach: Tips from the Trenches

Companies and government agencies use a variety of technologies to protect their networks from unwanted intrusions. The attacks themselves are continuing to escalate in number and complexity, so it’s important to know how to respond when an incident occurs.

“The biggest issue is to make sure that everyone on your team is talking the same language,” Ricardo Lafosse, chief information security officer for Cook County Government told the audience at the recent SC Congress event in Chicago.

Part of that for Cook County Government is knowing the level of the attack. It uses a response for an “incident,” an escalated response for multiple incidents, which Lafosse calls an event, and a still higher response for an actual breach.

Jacob Springer, division counsel, global privacy office for Abbott Laboratories, suggested developing a baseline of security defenses by looking at peers in the same industry. He also recommended following a detailed script for any type of security issue. Without a detailed, planned response there is likely to be a communication breakdown.

Read the Full Article: Source – eSecurity Planet

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