Google Bans App From Play Store Based On Vague Guidelines

Having had our own run-ins with Google’s opaque (and often hypocritical) decision-making process at times, it’s not surprising (though unfortunate) to hear of yet another case. The folks over at have been working on tools to give people more control over their own data and how it’s shared. They’re not looking to stop all data sharing, but rather put it back under the control of the individual users, rather than companies in the middle. While this may make some companies nervous, it shouldn’t. A company that is actually providing value and is properly transparent shouldn’t have to worry about such things.

So it’s quite disappointing that Google has chosen to pull’s new app from the Android store based only on a very vague and broad “prohibition” in its terms of service, saying that you can’t offer an app that “interferes with” other services. The email Google sent doesn’t provide many details, other than saying that the app “interferes with or accesses another service or product in an unauthorized manner.”

Read the Full Article: Source – Tech Dirt

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