Google forced to change ‘too vague’ privacy policy after watchdog steps in

Google, the internet search giant, has been forced to improve its privacy policy after an official watchdog said the company was “too vague” about the vast amounts of data being gathered about web users.

The Information Commissioner’s Office, which regulates privacy issues, said Google had been “required” to sign an agreement to improve clarity on personal data.

In a statement, the watchdog said: “The ICO found that the search engine was too vague when describing how it uses personal data gathered from its web services and products.

“The ICO ruled that the new policy did not include sufficient information for service users as to how and why their personal data was being collected.
“Google has now signed an undertaking committing to make further changes to the privacy policy to ensure it meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act and to take steps to ensure that future changes to its privacy policy comply, including user testing.”

Read the Full Article: Source – The Telegraph

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