Pizza Hut’s crazy new menu lets you order with your mind

Have you ever been unsure of what to order in a restaurant, and wished someone would just bring you the perfect meal?

A new menu at pizza chain Pizza Hut claims to do just that, by using a computer to figure out what diners really want – even if the customer doesn’t think they know.

The Subconscious Menu is a digital menu which features 20 key pizza toppings such as chicken and peppers.

Customers look at the screen, and in just 2.5 seconds, the computer records what ingredients they have been looking at the longest. It then uses an algorithm to identify, from 4896 possible ingredient combinations, the diner’s perfect pizza.

The contraption was built with Tobii Technology, a Swedish company which specialises in eye tracking technology, to promote the new Pizza Hut menu. It took six months of development.

Read the Full Article: Source – The Telegraph

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