Sony Hack: WikiLeaks Publishes More Than 30,000 Documents

On Thursday, WikiLeaks published more than 30,000 documents and 170,000 emails from Sony Pictures, obtained from a hack that has been sourced to North Korea in anticipation of the studio’s release of The Interview.

The Julian Assange website noted in a press release that “whilst some stories came out at the time, the original archives, which were not searchable, were removed before the public and journalists were able to do more than scratch the surface.”

In a move that could trigger another round of embarrassing prying into Sony affairs, WikiLeaks has now published those documents in a searchable format.

“This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation,” says Assange. “It is newsworthy and at the centre of a geo-political conflict. It belongs in the public domain. WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there.”

In what could be a preemptive move to defend the newsworthy nature of what’s been published, WikiLeaks is stressing some of the documents with political and policy implications. These include Sony’s reactions to the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a trade treaty that is presently getting Congressional attention. There’s also the studio’s involvement in anti-piracy causes.

Read the Full Article: Source – Hollywood Reporter

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