Posts Tagged "Communications"


Security risks discovered with Mattel Hello Barbie demonstrates Internet of Things security concerns With the introduction of Hello Barbie, Mattel has brought one of …

SCREENSHOTS from social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat would be more commonly used in court if proposed changes to the Evidence Act …

The U.S. administration will not seek legislation at this point to counter the encryption of communications by many technology services and product vendors, but …

California Governor Jerry Brown has approved a digital privacy bill that protects people from government access to private electronic communications without a warrant. The …

THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY’S ability to spy on vast quantities of Internet traffic passing through the United States has relied on its extraordinary, decades-long …

The US military has for weeks been training Ukrainian forces in US tactics, but the commander of US Army Europe says Ukrainian forces, who …

Britain’s Data Retention and Investigative Powers Act has been ruled unlawful by the UK’s High Court of Justice, after the digital surveillance scheme was …

Now that Wikileaks has released the emails included in the 415GB leaked by the hackers who breached Italian “lawful intercept” provider Hacking Team TISI …

One of the National Security Agency’s most powerful tools of mass surveillance makes tracking someone’s Internet usage as easy as entering an email address, …

The president of one of the world’s biggest computer security vendors says he is skeptical that a stronger government role in cyberdefense will abate …