Posts Tagged "Critical"


Adobe Flash, the much-loathed, bug-plagued relic of a browser plugin, just got a big nail driven into its coffin. Mozilla blocked Flash by default …

In a speech today in South Korea, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Internet “needs rules to be able to flourish and …

An Israeli company has developed a product it says can detect if a mobile device connects to a fake cellular base station or Wi-Fi …

A critical vulnerability in MacKeeper, a controversial security program for Mac computers, could let attackers execute malicious commands on Macs when their owners visit …

After the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) called pre-installed Superfish “a critical vulnerability affecting Lenovo consumer personal computers,” several lawsuits leveled against Lenovo …

A new bill being considered in Australia could outlaw the use of VPNs in that country in the name of fighting piracy. Australia has …

BEIJING — The Chinese Communist Party operates out of a vast walled-off compound, known as Zhongnanhai, near Beijing’s Forbidden City. It is here that …