Using Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, HMRC can access details on what websites you view, where a mobile phone call was made/received: Date & Time of Emails, Texts & Phone calls.

Figures show Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs officials made almost 14,400 authorised views of “communications data” on taxpayers during tax evasion investigations.
This compares to more than 11,500 such views in 2010, which equates to a rise of almost 25 per cent, according to statistics released under Freedom of Information laws. 
Using the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, HMRC can access details on what websites are viewed by taxpayers, where a mobile phone call was made or received and the date and time of emails, texts and phone calls.
From October 2011 to the end of September last year, HMRC was given 172 authorisations for “directed surveillance”, covert surveillance, mainly in public places. This had decreased from the previous year.
But critics today accused tax officials of pursuing wrong targets.

Read the Full Article: Source – The Telegraph

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