Archive by Category "General News" (Page 111)

General News

Obama signs cybersecurity executive orderObama signs cybersecurity executive order Administration takes unilateral action to boost response to growing cyber threats source not found

Obama to ‘bypass Congress’ on CISPA with cybersecurity executive orderObama to ‘bypass Congress’ on CISPA with cybersecurity executive order Unable to reach a deal with Congress, President Obama plans to use his power to exert executive actions against the will of lawmakers. …

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8 Tools for the Online Privacy Paranoid | TIME.com8 Tools for the Online Privacy Paranoid | If you want to participate in today’s Internet, and all the apps and services that go with it, you have two choices: Accept …

Microsoft wants to keep an eye on you: Next Xbox console will only work with Kinect sensors connected, sources claimMicrosoft wants to keep an eye on you: Next Xbox console will only work with Kinect sensors connected, sources claim The machine – the follow up to the hugely successful Xbox 360 – will also feature new-look control pads and be capable of …

UK government plans to track ALL web use: MI5 to install black box spy devices monitor UK internet trafficUK government plans to track ALL web use: MI5 to install black box spy devices monitor UK internet traffic A report by an influential committee of MPs tells how spooks are keen to implement a nationwide surveillance regime aimed at logging nearly …

Girl, 9, accused of music piracyGirl, 9, accused of music piracy source not found

Panetta back at it withPanetta back at it with While legislation giving the US government more online control sits in limbo between the House and the Senate, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has …

The White House is being asked by attorneys to explain a top-secret presidential policy directive signed last month that may allow for the domestic …

Software that tracks people on social media created by defence firmSoftware that tracks people on social media created by defence firm Exclusive: Raytheon’s Riot program mines social network data like a ‘Google for spies’, drawing ire from civil rights groups source not found