We already wrote about the MPAA’s plan to break the internet by trying to twist a portion of the DMCA to force ISPs to remove DNS entries, making sites effectively disappear off the internet. However, one key element to this actually relies on an issue closely related to the net neutrality fight — though understanding it involves going pretty deep into both copyright law and telecommunications law.
Historically, the MPAA has been against net neutrality for a long time. Back in 2007, during the original net neutrality fight, the MPAA weighed in with an FCC filing against net neutrality, arguing that it would interfere with filtering technologies that it wanted ISPs to start using. In 2009, as the second net neutrality battle ramped up, the MPAA sent a similar filing — with some friends arguing that net neutrality is just another word for file sharing, and would lead to “rampant looting.” Given all this, the 2010 open internet rules from the FCC included a special carveout for copyright content, arguing that the rules “do not apply” to copyright infringement.
We noted, earlier this year, how ridiculous it was that the MPAA was still on the wrong side of the net neutrality debate, seeing as how it would stifle a bunch of important new developments that have vastly improved things for filmmakers. But, it appears that the MPAA didn’t get the message, at all. The only message it got was to be quieter about its opposition to net neutrality. In some of the leaked emails, it’s noted that the MPAA’s strategy on net neutrality is to be quiet and evasive about it:
On network neutrality: Most member companies supported, in principle, a narrow, low-profile MPAA filing focused on opposition to the regulation of content.
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