Link Exposes Users of ‘Bang With Friends’

Bang With Friends, a mobile application that facilitates casual encounters among friends, has a simple pitch: “Your friends will never know you’re interested unless they are too.”

Well, that’s not quite true, at least in all cases.

They–that being any of your Facebook friends, including co-workers and parents–may, at the very least, know you’re using the app. On Thursday, Facebook users began sharing a link that purported to show a user which of their friends are using Bang With Friends.“It’s another verification that you should be careful on Facebook and what you connect to,” said Redg Snodgrass, an entrepreneur, who shared the link on Facebook.

According to Bang With Friends, the link exposes a small number of users who downloaded the applications before January. Before January, its default privacy setting was set to whatever a user’s default setting for Facebook applications was–and for most people that is “public” or “friends.” Now the app defaults to “only me,” in other words making it visible only to the user.

See The Full Article – Wall Street Journal

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