Modern security tactics fail to protect against malware, study finds

No matter if you work for a government contractor or a top legal firm, there’s a good chance your company’s computers are infected with malicious software.

That’s a conclusion reached by FireEye, a computer security analysis and consulting firm, which released on Thursday a new study detailing how most companies are more vulnerable than they may think.

“More and more, you’re dealing with a professional attacker, whether that’s a nation-state or organized crime,” Merkel said.

For its study, FireEye checked logs from its cybersecurity tools that monitored attacks against more than 1,200 companies in 20 industries. It found that malware, as it’s called, is more pervasive and doing more harm than most people realize.

FireEye’s findings cast a damning shadow over the cybersecurity industry, which has convinced businesses that their software and computer tools are all a company needs to protect itself from would-be hackers. Fortune 500 companies are expected to spend $76 billion on computer and network security this year, up from $71 billion in 2014.

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