No encryption? How very rude

In the post-Snowden era, what is the etiquette for protecting your privacy and that of others?

It struck me today that when I email a new contact I now reflexively check to see if they are using PGP encryption. Happily, a surprising number are doing so these days, but most people would probably consider my circle of friends and acquaintance to be eclectic at the very least, if not downright eccentric, but then that’s probably why I like them.

There are still alarming numbers who are not using PGP though, particularly in journalist circles. I have to admit that when this happens, I do feel a tad miffed, as if some basic modern courtesy is being breached.

It’s not that I even expect everybody to use encryption – yet – it’s just that I prefer to have the option to use it and be able to have the privacy of my own communications at least considered. After all I am old enough to remember the era of letter writing, and I always favoured a sealed envelope to a postcard.

Read the Full Article: Source – Russia Today

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