Snowden-approved: The ‘Citizenfour’ hacker’s toolkit

One of the interesting reveals at the end of Citizenfour, the recent Academy Award-winning documentary about Edward Snowden, was the thanks it gives to various security software programs. The information that Snowden leaked two years ago continues to reverberate today, and it kicked off renewed interest in data security, privacy, and anonymity. Based on the closing credits in the movie, we’ve put together a guide to some of the major security software programs and operating systems available. If you’ve wanted to take steps to secure your own information, but were uncertain where to start, this article should get you headed in the right direction.

Browser Security: Tor

The Tor Security Bundle is probably the best-known of the software products we’ll discuss today. The Tor browser is easy to install and set up; it’s based on Firefox 31.5.0, but as the program warns, simply using Tor isn’t enough to secure your Internet browsing. If you want to remain anonymous on the Tor network, you’ll need to also do the following:

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