Posts Tagged "Barack Obama"

Barack Obama

President Barack Obama asked Silicon Valley firms to work with U.S. law enforcement authorities to prevent terrorists from using social media and encryption technologies, …

As Washington weighs new cybersecurity steps amid a public backlash over mass surveillance, U.S. tech companies warned President Barack Obama not to weaken increasingly …

The National Security Agency has begun winding down its collection and storage of American phone records after the Senate failed to agree on a …

Russian hackers obtained sensitive emails written by President Barack Obama when they penetrated the White House unclassified email system last October, it has been …

President Barack Obama is taking aim at “malicious cyber actors” who attempt to profit from digital attacks on US interests. An executive order announced …

The National Security Agency director, Mike Rogers, on Monday sought to calm a chorus of doubts about the government’s plans to maintain built-in access …

It’s often been said that trust is something that you earn — or that you completely destroy in irredeemable ways. So it’s a little …

Britain and the United States will create a joint “cyber cell” so spies can tackle the growing threat of terrorists plotting online attacks on …

That’s one of the issues UK Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama will address when they meet Friday, according to a …

Barack Obama unveiled new cybersecurity measures on Tuesday amid warnings from privacy campaigners about unnecessarily “broad legal immunity” that could put personal information at …