YouTube unveils paid, ad-free music subscription service

YouTube has officially entered the music business upon announcement this week that the Google-owned video sharing site will soon launch a paid service that will offer customers the offer to stream high-quality versions of millions of songs.

On Wednesday, YouTube settled months of speculation by formally unveiling a portal on the website’s homepage, as well as mobile applications for Android and iOS devices, that will offer an ad-free listening experience made possible by the site’s impressive cache of tunes and the more than 30 million songs already included through its parent company’s Google Play Music service. The service, “Music Key,” will start offering subscriptions at a promotional rate of $7.99 a month.

“You’ve watched, shared, remixed, invented, parodied and whatevered your favorite songs, making YouTube the ultimate place for artists and fans to connect,” the company said in a press release. “To celebrate all that music and unlock new ways to enjoy, we’re making it easier to find new music on YouTube and rock out to old favorites. Plus, we’re starting the launch of a new subscription service that lets you watch and listen to music without ads, in the background or offline.”

“Starting today, you’ll see a new home just for music on your YouTube app for Android, iOS and on that shows your favorite music videos, recommended music playlists based on what you’re into and playlists of trending music across YouTube,” the statement continues.

Read the Full Article: Source – Russia Today

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