Snapchat recently tweaked its terms of service and privacy policy, and the Internet didn’t like the alterations one bit. The new policies are drastic changes from the former versions and did away with Snapchat’s most important privacy phrase, “Delete is our default.” Trying to calm the outrage, Snapchat clarified what it really meant by its new terms in a blog post on Sunday.
At the center of concern is something we’ve seen play out again and again on social networks—namely, that Snapchat owns your content and, in a Snapchat-specfic twist, will no longer delete it from their servers, as they previously claimed. If true, it would be a pretty concerning change considering Snapchat’s a prime target for government data requests.
Read the Full Article: Source – PC World
Browsing Privacy: (PC World) – Snapchat clarifies privacy policies after terms of service change freaks out users
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