Archive by Category "Privacy" (Page 49)


• XKeyscore gives ‘widest-reaching’ collection of online data • NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches • Sweeps up emails, social media activity …

Angela Merkel and her ministers claim they first learned about the US government’s comprehensive spying programs from press reports. But SPIEGEL has learned that …

We are on the precipice of a cyber-war. The recent revelations around Prism provide an extreme example of how nation states are taking a …

It’s not too late to restore confidence, writes “digital Cassandra” Lawrence Lessig, but we need to start by asking the right questions. Almost 15 …

The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio and video …

• Top-secret Prism program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook • Companies deny any knowledge of program in …

Figures show Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs officials made almost 14,400 authorised views of “communications data” on taxpayers during tax evasion investigations. This compares …

Downing Street briefing resurrects controversial bill tracking individuals’ email, internet and mobile text use The government appears to have left open the door to …

Bang With Friends, a mobile application that facilitates casual encounters among friends, has a simple pitch: “Your friends will never know you’re interested unless …

A 24-year-old forensics examiner from Utah has made a discovery that may make some Snapchat users think twice before sending a photo that they …