European Central Bank hacked

The European Central Bank (the ECB) announced on Thursday the 24th of July that its website was the victim of a cyber-attack resulting in the security of the site being compromised. The attack resulted in a breach of the security for a database serving its public website. The database is used for individuals to register for conferences, events, and visits hosted by the organisation. The ECB stated that while most of the database was encrypted, some of the database held contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses in unencrypted format. The ECB believes that approximately 20,000 people who had registered with the bank’s website are affected by the breach.

In the statement released by the ECB it states it was unaware of the attack until it was contact by an anonymous party claiming to be behind the attack. The anonymous contact then proceeded to try to extort the bank, threatening to publish the compromised data unless the bank met their demands. The ECB refused to meet the demands and is in the process of contacting the individuals affected and resetting the passwords for all users on the system

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