Posts Tagged "USTR"


The federal government has been left red-faced following revelations that law-enforcement agencies have been accessing Australians’ web browsing histories without a warrant. Access to …

Facebook wants people to stop getting frustrated with the company’s privacy settings. Well, good luck with that. Almost any change Facebook makes to privacy …

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has filed a lawsuit against the defunct file-sharing website Megaupload and its founder, Kim Dotcom, alleging “massive …

For many years, we highlighted how Spain was a country that actually had much more reasonable copyright laws, in that it did not try …

Big data and predictive technologies – sometimes called artificial intelligence (AI) – are changing the world. Everyone from Google to your supermarket and hospital …

The USTR seems to have a worrying need to blame other countries. Alongside the infamous Special 301 Report which puts a selection of nations …