AT&T, which offers public Wi-Fi hotspots across the U.S., was caught putting ads on websites in unusual places by Jonathan Mayer, a lawyer and Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Stanford University.
Mayer was at Dulles Airport last week when he noticed Stanford’s site suddenly showing ads for jewelry and AT&T services—ads that he’d never seen on the university site before. Other sites were also showing ads in odd spots, Mayer said.
It appears AT&T was partnering with a third-party company RaGaPa that specializes in “HotSpot Branding.” The service would add three different bits of code into a browser tab to inject unauthorized ads on a site, including a backup ad in case a particular browser wouldn’t run JavaScript.
Read the Full Article: Source – PC World
Browsing Privacy: (PC World) – AT&T Wi-Fi hotspot caught injecting ads into web pages
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