Security risks discovered with Mattel Hello Barbie demonstrates Internet of Things security concerns
With the introduction of Hello Barbie, Mattel has brought one of the world’s most recognizable toys into the Internet of Things era. The Wi-Fi-connected doll is able to hold real-time conversations by recording audio and uploading it to the cloud for instant processing of artificial intelligence-based responses.
For any connected device, strong security must take into account not just the device itself, but the full scope of apps and infrastructure associated with it. Along with independent security researcher Andrew Hay, Bluebox Labs has examined the security of the mobile components of Hello Barbie. This joint research covers the mobile app, both iOS and Android versions, developed by Mattel partner ToyTalk as well as communications between the app and cloud-based servers.
Read the Full Article: Source – Blue Box
Browsing Privacy: (Blue Box) – Hello Barbie App, Hello Security Issues
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